Benjamin H. Moore, CPA, PA
Fees for professional services are quoted in advance at a fixed amount and are generally based on the complexity of the work, amount of time required for completion, and perceived value of the service. Initial consultations are free of charge.
Other factors that can influence fees and/or timing of payment can include but may not be limited to:
On occasion, an hourly rate may be quoted if a fixed fee cannot be determined fairly.
Fees are due at the time work is completed and are paid when the work is received in person or before the work is mailed or transmitted to the client.
Other payment arrangements can be utilized before work is commenced at the mutual agreement of Benjamin H. Moore, CPA, PA and the client.
The client is responsible for timely delivery of work, answers to questions about the work, and receiving and paying for the work on a timely basis. Completed work not received and paid for by the client can be subject to additional fees at the discretion of Benjamin H. Moore, CPA, PA.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, check, and cash.
Please discuss any fee questions with us as they arise.
Contact us for a free initial consultation or a quote at [email protected]
Thank You!
Other factors that can influence fees and/or timing of payment can include but may not be limited to:
- Required due dates by client or outside entities
- Past experience with client
- Distant or out of state location of client
- Entities' ability to continue as an ongoing business
- Stability of client
- Time of year and volume of work
- Quality and availability of records or data
On occasion, an hourly rate may be quoted if a fixed fee cannot be determined fairly.
Fees are due at the time work is completed and are paid when the work is received in person or before the work is mailed or transmitted to the client.
Other payment arrangements can be utilized before work is commenced at the mutual agreement of Benjamin H. Moore, CPA, PA and the client.
The client is responsible for timely delivery of work, answers to questions about the work, and receiving and paying for the work on a timely basis. Completed work not received and paid for by the client can be subject to additional fees at the discretion of Benjamin H. Moore, CPA, PA.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, check, and cash.
Please discuss any fee questions with us as they arise.
Contact us for a free initial consultation or a quote at [email protected]
Thank You!

The Firm That Really Counts!℠